School Resource Officer Lawren Owens #197
TEMS Office Phone Number: (860) 474-1613
South Windsor Police Phone Number: (860) 644-2551
Email: lowens@swindsor.k12.ct.us
Officer Lawren Owens would like to welcome students, faculty, and parents to his page. The SRO office is located in the TEMS main office. Students are always welcome to speak with Officer Owens about any conflict, question or concerns that they may have or to just stop in and visit.
Officer Owens has been a police officer in South Windsor since 2017, serving as a patrol officer, mountain bike officer, and field training officer. Prior to his service in South Windsor, Officer Owens served for six years as a Deputy at the York County Sheriff’s Office in South Carolina.
Officer Owens is looking forward to working with the staff, families and especially the students of Timothy Edwards Middle School.