TETV Morning News - Thursday, November 21 

Click Here to watch the TETV News LIVE! Stream will start at 7:30, news begins at 8:00 am.

  • Good morning everyone, please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV Morning News. Today is Thursday, November 21.
  • Slime Showdown Announcement!! The results are in, and it’s time to reveal the students who will get to slime their favorite school leaders! 
    •  Sliming Mr. Clifton:Summer Ruszczyk, Hannah Williams, Amelia Ottey,Aubrie Velasquez and Maverick Schlechtweg. 
    •  Sliming Principal Irwin: Lani Salimando, Teresa Gudauskas, Owen Johnson, Kandence Ranger and Connor Currier. 
    • Sliming Officer Owens: Dante Corticelli, Chase Peracchio, Allie Scott, Aubrie Velasquez and Lani Salimando. 

    All the sliming’s will be broadcast for everyone to enjoy on a later date! Stay tuned to catch all the fun and see your friends in action! Congratulations to the chosen students—and get ready for some slimy fun! 

  • Today's the day! Looking forward to seeing all interested Entertainers for parts both on and off the stage today after school in the auditorium! If you can't make it, join info will be announced tomorrow on the news.
  • New Chromebook Help Desk Hours will begin after Thanksgiving Break.  The new hours will be Monday-Friday from 7:45am-12:00pm. If you borrowed a Chromebook, please continue to return the device to the Help Desk at the end of the day.
  • TE's LGBTQ+ club, SAGA, will meet today after school in Room 145, right after dismissal. If you can't make it today, don't worry—there will be two meetings in December! Check the flyers posted around school for the upcoming dates. If you have any questions about the club, feel free to reach out to Ms. Carver or Mrs. Reed. We hope to see you there this afternoon!
  • Calling All Writers! Are you ready to unleash your inner storyteller, poet, or wordsmith?  Whether you’re crafting the next great novel, perfecting your slam poetry, or expressing yourself through creative journaling —UConn Writing Project is the place to be! Go to the TEMS main page and sign up, before it's too late. Or stop by Mr. Millard or Mr. Stinchon's room.  Don’t let your creative genius stay hidden. Be amazing, or not — your call. 
  • Animal Lovers Round 2 is active! Yesterday, the winners were announced, and now it's your turn to vote so that more animals can go further into the tournament and potentially receive the Naomi Chung Animal Award! Vote now with this link: Voting Link And all teachers, please, please, please post this in your Homeroom Google Classroom or Team Google Classroom! We want all of TEMS to have a say in who wins! To all students, go to the Daily News on the TEMS homepage to access this link. Remember, you have this whole week to vote! Thanks, and have a great day! Stay tuned for next week's results!
  • In the spirit of gratitude, we want to say thank you to our TE school community!!! Please join Ms. Mills after school today in the library for a fun time of card making. All are welcome! Please use the provided QR code to sign up if planning to attend.
  •  Our CougarTHON fundraiser, Penny Wars, is well underway! But remember, this isn't your typical penny war—this time, we’re encouraging all types of donations, including change and bills! Let’s rally together to raise funds for a fantastic cause - supporting the children at Connecticut Children's Hospital. The team that collects the most money will win a special movie screening in the auditorium. Remember, together we will change kids' health. Together, we can change the future! The last date for donations is Friday, November 22nd, so let’s make every penny count! 
  • Girls basketball tryouts will be held on Monday, November 25th from 2:45- 4:00; Monday, December 2nd from 2:45 - 4:00 and December 9th, if necessary again from 2:45 - 4:00.  All paperwork must be completed prior to the tryouts dates.  No Exceptions.  All tryouts will be in the main gym.  Please wear comfortable clothing and basketball shoes (or sneakers). All players must have a ride home at 4:00. 
  • Boys Basketball tryouts will take place on November 26 and December 4 immediately after school until 4 pm. Please be sure to have all paperwork updated and in the office in order to participate in tryouts.  Also be sure to have ride home for 4:00 or make arrangements for the late bus. More information can be found on the TE Athletics webpage.
  • Cheerleading tryouts will take place on December 2nd and December 4th.  It is important for all students to attend on Monday to learn the tryout material in order to be eligible for Wednesday's tryout. If any students have conflicts or concerns, please direct them to see Mrs. Edwards in room 302.
  • If you would like to recommend music for the TE Morning News, Click Here.
  •  Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or X. Get the latest TE News and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 21 November, 2024 at 8:07 AM