TETV Morning News - Thursday, October 24 

Click Here to watch the TETV News LIVE! Stream will start at 7:30, news begins at 8:00 am.

  • Good morning everyone, please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV Morning News. Today is Thursday, October 24.
  • Don't forget, tomorrow is the first school wide dance…. The Halloween Costume Dance. Tickets are on sale and going fast. Tickets are on sale each morning for $10 in the main lobby. Please complete the Google form prior to purchase. Prizes will be awarded for best individual, best duo, and best group costumes. Come on out and have a scary good time together this Friday from 6-8pm.
  • Next week we will be holding our first SPIRIT WEEK. Spirit week allows us all to show school spirit and come together to have some fun and excitement. The themes for next week are: Monday - Sports day, Tuesday - Pajama Day, Wednesday is Color Wars (Dress in your grade level colors) and Thursday is Dress your Dreams Day. We are excited to see all the energy and creativity that come our next week. Don't get left out on the sidelines on Monday…. Dress in your favorite sports gear!
  • Active-Thon is on…Potato sack races, Volleyball, Hopper ball races, dance, listen to some music, egg and spoon race and enjoy Kona Ice. Sadly, we did not make our goal, but the good news is, we are only $5,000 away. There is still time to reach our goal, slime Principal Irwin and get a fun field day outside in the spring with games and a kickball tournament. Solve this math question: If we need $5,000 to reach our goal and there are 1,200 students at TE, how much money could each student bring in to reach our goal? We are taking donations until 11:59 PM on November 1, 2024. Go have fun today!!!
  • The field hockey team lost a close one to Glastonbury by a score of 1-0.  Captains Kinley Cincotta, Joanna Halle and Allie Scott each played extremely well with Allie Scott making a diving save to keep TE in the game! Game captain Kendall Heath made numerous tackles in the circle keeping Glastonbury’s attack at bay. Emma Hennessey’s stick work in the midfield was impressive to watch. Tori Yelle had some rocket like passes to forwards Kylie Duval and Ella Satalino but couldn’t get it past the Glastonbury goalie. TE’s next game is home on Monday verse Somers. Hope to see you there!
  • Last night the Timothy Edwards boys soccer team traveled to Tolland to take on the Falcons. After a strong showing from Tolland, TE settled into their game. The first half was highly contested and the Cougars tallied just two goals in the opening frame. Dylan Leacu and Liam Staroverov both scored unassisted goals.. In the second half Adam Elsendyouney scored unassisted, as well, early in the half. Then midway through the second half Vadanth Manchala passed one in off a cross from Staroverov that bounced off the keeper. Literally 15 seconds later the ball was stolen in midfield and Elsendyouney dribbled the length of the half then dribbled the keeper for the fifth goal of the game, which was his second. The defense held firm in the second half and the 5-1 result was justified. The first place Cougars play their final home game tonight after school at Never’s against second place Suffield. Come out and cheer on the boys! Today is the last game for the boys and girls soccer teams away to Suffield.  Please dismiss all boys and girls soccer players at 2:20 today.
  • The W.I.T tutors, or Writer's Inspiring Tomorrow, is our school's very own Writing Tutoring initiative. WIT tutors are here to help you with any of your writing needs. Whether it's an English Essay, Science CER or even Spanish, the tutors goal is to help you grow as a writer! If you'd like help from a tutor, look out for their posters to schedule an appointment, or ask Mr. Millard or Mr. Stinchon how you can book your tutoring time today. The tutors are here to help you along your writing journey, so check out their website for more information and details to come.
  • On Wednesday, November 6th at 3:00 PM, interested TEMS students are welcome to take the AMC 10 at South Windsor High School.  The AMC 10 is an examination in high school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills.  The AMC 10 is for students in 10th grade and below, and covers the high school curriculum up to 10th grade.  Sign-ups for the AMC 10 must be completed by Tuesday, October 29th.  If you would like more information about this opportunity, please talk to your math teacher. 
  • Attention basketball players and cheerleaders...winter sports registration is now open.  The deadline to submit all your forms is Monday, 11/25 at 8am.  You must register on the Parent Portal and you will have to turn in an updated physician statement by the due date. 
  • Attention all students:  Order your yearbook now at the best price of the year! The price goes UP after October 31st. It's easy to order online! Just go to,, enter your town/school name, and the order page will pop up for you!
  • Don't forget, the TE Library Follett book e-Fair will continue to run through Tuesday, October 29thOur school library will receive 20% of all proceeds. You and your parents/guardians can access the book e-Fair through this URL:  Next enter the following code for our library:MK56LAll of this information can be found on the TEMS Homepage and the TEMS Library Media Center Page. Please place your order under your homeroom teacher; this will help expedite the organizing and distributing of the books when they arrive. Please let Mrs. Longo know if you have any questions.  
  • If you would like to recommend music for the TE Morning News, Click Here.
  •  Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or X. Get the latest TE News and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 24 October, 2024 at 7:55 AM