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- Good morning everyone, please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
- Welcome back to another edition of TETV Morning News. Today is Monday, May 6.
- The Connecticut Writing Project, hosted by UConn, has announced its winners. Over 100 TE students spent several months working with teachers in the building to craft a piece of fiction, nonfiction, poetry or art. Here are results for the seventh grade winners from TE!
Honorable Mention: Daksha Rajasekaran
Silver Winners: Grace Yi, Yahvi Bhandari, David Biju, and Emma O'Brien
Special Recognition for Double Winner: Emma Hennessey, she was given the recognition of Honorable Mention for her nonfiction piece "Heroes of Happiness: How Walt Disney Imagineers Heroically Brought Joy to the World" and her fiction piece "Songbirds"
- Saturday was an absolutely perfect weather day for the 2024 Connecticut History Day Contest, hosted by Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, CT. The following TEMS students were cited for their work during the Awards Ceremony: Yilin Lin was awarded 3rd Place and the BRONZE medal for her individual documentary focusing on the Gutenberg printing press. Ishanvi Mohapatra was awarded 1st Place honors and a GOLD medal for her individual documentary highlighting Dr. William Morton's invention/introduction of ether as a safe form of anesthesia. Asmi Kulkarni grade 8 received the GOLD Medal and 1st Place Honors for her solo LIVE performance detailing the efforts of College Professor Bernice Sandler, who became known as the "Godmother of Title IX". Aaron Aldrin was named the 1st Place winner, receiving a GOLD Medal for his Website highlighting the work of Rene Descartes. Ishanvi, Asmi and Aaron) have qualified for the National History Day Contest, scheduled for June 9th - June 13th at the University of Maryland (College Park, MD). Best of luck at Nationals!!!!
- Every Thursday during lunch the school store is open! You can buy Erasers, Jibbitz and water bottle stickers all for less than a dollar. You can also buy wired earbuds, hair brushes, Rubix Cubes, Popits and Chapstick! But you can only buy from the school store on Thursdays during lunch, so be sure to stop by before the end of the school year!
- The 2023-2024 issue of Out of the Blue is now available. We are super excited to share this, our 13th edition, with you. It might be our best issue yet! The magazine, which is a website, can be found on the TE homepage. Some of your teachers may have also posted it in their Google Classrooms. Please make sure to congratulate any of your peers who worked on the magazine or who contributed a submission. There is so much talent at TE. There is even a place to give us feedback to share your ideas for a future year's submission. Lastly, Ms. Olsen wants to send a major shoutout to the myth, the legend, the lunkhead, the pen cap aficionado, the number one KG: Ishanvi Mohapatra. She put hours into this year's website sharing her talent and making the website the best it could be. This year's magazine would not have happened without her. If you know her, be sure to tell her GOOD JOB! Please also be sure to congratulate Divya Nukavarapu who made this year's beautiful cover art. All of Out of the Blue hopes you enjoy this year's issue. Club members - please make sure to come to our meeting in Ms. Olsen's room right after school. It is important that you make sure to come on time.
- Congrats to the girls' track team as they won their third meet in a row with scores of 84 TE, 15 Ellington, and 2 JFK. They took first place in every single event, minus the discus! Many athletes set personal records including: Kiran Thaker who ran 1600 in 5:45, taking 5th place in our TE Top Ten Record book. Iulia L, throwing 59'3" in the discus. Jana Brownbill taking 1st in both the 400 and 800-meter runs, and Morgan Bridgeforth taking 1st place in the 100 and 200 sprints. Congrats to all! Their next meet will be on Monday at SWHS. Come down and cheer on the team!
- The boys track and field team journeyed to Ellington to compete against Ellington and JFK. The boys came away with win, beating both teams by more than 30 points. Aniron P, Carter G and Dave N swept the Shot Put. Luis L, Nebeyu E, and Fahad F swept the Long Jump. The 4 X 400 and 4 X 800 relay teams dominated their races. Liam S took first place in High Jump. Maanit P snagged 2nd in the hurdles. Timmy C took 2nd in the 800. Alex L continued his strong season in the 400, earning 2nd. The boys face off against Sage Park at home on Monday. Come to the high school and cheer them on. Go Cougars!
- Good morning TE, We are very excited to announce that the 2025 Intermediate and Middle School Nutmeg Nominees are now on display in the library media center. The majority of these titles are also available digitally through Destiny Discover. Come check out these amazing titles as soon as you can! Looking forward to seeing you.
- Summer camps! There are so many to choose from! Come down to the main gym for more information. Summer camps you can choose from are cougar soccer camp, cougar softball camp, cougar fitness games, and a speed and agility camp. Sign up through the recreation department or see Mrs. Giaccone, Mr. Chandler, or Mr. S for more details.
- If you would like to recommend music for the TE Morning News, Click Here.
- Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or X. Get the latest TE News and announcements!
- TETV Morning News - Friday, February 7
- TETV Morning News - Wednesday, February 5
- TETV Morning News - Tuesday, February 4
- TETV Morning News - Monday, February 3
- TETV Morning News - Friday, January 31
- TETV Morning News - Thursday, January 30
- TETV Morning News - Wednesday, January 29
- TETV Morning News - Tuesday, January 28
- TETV Morning News - Monday, January 27
- TETV Morning News - Friday, January 24