Click Here to watch the TETV News LIVE! Stream will start at 7:30, news begins at 8:00 am.
- Good morning everyone, please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
- Welcome back to another edition of TETV Morning News. Today is Tuesday, January 9.
- Attention all 7th and 8th grade chorus members: Remember, for your afternoon Encore class today, all chorus students should report to chorus for our combined rehearsal. Please head directly to your chorus hallway number at the start of class. Again all 7th and 8th grade chorus students, you have a combined rehearsal today during the second Encore.
- Attention all Entertainers cast and crew: Make sure you've checked this week's schedule in Google Classroom to see when you are rehearsing or meeting this week. Today's rehearsal is for ALL CAST. Don't forget, student producer applications and your vote for the t-shirt design are due this Wednesday!! See Google Classroom for more information.
- Attention Girl’s Cross Country runners, your Fall pictures are in! If you ordered pictures, please pick them up in the main office.
- If you would like to recommend music for the TE Morning News, Click Here.
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