TE Morning News - 3/23/18 
  • Hello TE! Did you miss me? I know you did!!! What concert costs 45 cents to enter? 50 Cent featuring Nickleback!!!!!!! 

  • "Hello my name is Ava," "And I am Natalie and we are from Peer Mediation" "Peer mediation is students helping students with friend and peer problems."  "If you and a friend or peer are having a fight, are getting teased or you feel like people are talking behind your back then you should come and we can help you." "Peer mediation forms are available in every team hallway, near the cafeteria, and on the TE homepage under parents and students."  "We recommend that you come for minor problems such as, fights, bullying, rumors, getting talked about behind your back and other problems related to these." "We hope we can help you with your problems!"
  • Attention Entertainers:  if you're missing sweatshirts, hats, earbuds, water bottles, shirts, aprons, headbands or anything else - please check the lost and found table in the main lobby - it's all there!  If you didn't attend the party Saturday night, Ms. Petrin has the picture of the cast and crew for you.  Stop by her room any time for your copy.

  • Attention all 7th and 8th Grade students who have Mr. Marci for music class today.  Please bring study materials with you to music class today and report directly to the auditorium.  This is only for 7th and 8th Grade students who have Mr. Marci today.  Mr. Marci's 6th Grade Band and percussion will meet in the band room as planned.

  • Attention all athletes trying out for the Track team:  Tryouts for the girls’ team will begin on Monday.  Tryouts for the boys’ team will begin on Tuesday.  Tryouts will be held right after school until 4:30.  Please bring a water bottle and be prepared to go outside.  For more information, check the schedule posted in the gym or on the Athletics web page.  Again, tryouts for the girls’ track team will begin on Monday and tryouts for the boys’ Track team will begin on Tuesday.  

  • Who is your favorite Super Hero??  Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Black Panther, Wonder Woman, Captain America or Spiderman??  Now you, too, can be a hero and join the hero squad.  Just donate to the box in your homeroom for Pennies for Patients.  The money goes to support research for leukemia, a cancer of the blood.  It also goes to supporting families who have a child battling leukemia. Can we reach our goal of $2000?  Because of our snow days, we have extended our deadline to March 30th.  Look around home for spare change or dollar bills.  You will be glad you helped save a life!  Thank you for your generosity, TE!
  • TETV News auditions for the third trimester will take place  Monday march 26th. If you cannot make auditions please see Mr Goric before Monday to make arrangements.

  • It's in the hole!  Do you love golf or do you want to learn how to play?  Join Mr. Chandler this spring for GOLF at Willow Brook.  Every Wednesday starting on April 4th, you can hit the links and work on your game.  If interested, please see Mr. Chandler in the main gym for more information - or - you can sign up through the South Windsor Recreation Department.  There is only 16 spots available so act fast.  Who knows, you may even beat Mr Chandler in a round!

  • "Are you interested in the fitness club this session?  If so, please see Miss Gasparino in room 363 or in the main gym for more information.  If you can't find her, information can be found in each locker room.  Look for the purple sheet that says "Fitness Club @ TEMS".  The fitness club will begin April 16th and will be held on every Monday and Thursday until May 24th until 4:00 pm."
  • Today for lunch... In the Create line you can have Scrambled Eggs. In the Grill line you can have Crispy Fish Sandwich and in the On the Go line you can have your choice of deli sandwiches. Have a great day, do your best, and remember to always strive for 5!                    
Posted by dmatchett On 23 March, 2018 at 8:21 AM