TETV Morning News - Tuesday, May 28 

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  • Good morning everyone, please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV Morning News. Today is Tuesday, May 28.
  • On Saturday, select members of the TEMS girl's track team competed in the 16th annual CT Middle School State Meet.  The girls took 4th out of 39 teams in the state- great job ladies!  Standouts from the day include:
    •  Morgan Bridgeforth winning 9th place in the 100
    • Juliana Mayer winning 7th in the hurdles
    • Jana Brownbill winning 8th in the 400 and 6th in the 800
    • Kiran winning 8th in the 800 and 11th in the 1600
    • Greta Johnson took 6th in the 1600
    • Iulia L. took 4th in the discus
    • Kyla Levly took 6th in the high jump
    • Zoe Bailey took 4th in the Shot Put
    • The girl's 4x100 team, consisting of Kyla Levy, Morgan Bridgeforth, Zoe Bailey, and Ella Danielle, took 4th place in the meet and now holds the TEMS Top 10 All Time fastest time for the event.

    Overall, it was an amazing day with great results-  way to go, ladies!

  • Over the weekend, select boys from the Track and Field team participated in the annual Middle School State Championship.  There was great effort from all of the boys!  Some were able to add their name to State Championship lore.  Alex Larmand finished 8th in the 400.  Luis Lopez Casimir finished 7th in both the 100 and Long Jump.  Carter Green - where did this guy come from?!  Carter finished 7th in the Discus.  And the best for last, the 4 X 400 team of Zayd Sebro, Jeff Zeng, Adam Elsendyouney, and Alex Larmand finished 2nd IN THE STATE!!!  Congrats to all the boys that qualified and those that medaled.  Thank you for an amazing season!!
  • Let's try this one more time! If you see a member of the softball team today, you might want to say good luck to them!  Today the girls softball team travels to Sage Park Middle School in Windsor for the championship game.  Starting time of the game is 3:45pm. TE and Sage split in regular season.  The first game sage park beat TE 15 to 4 and the second game TE beat Sage park 7 to 3.  Here's to game number 3! Good luck ladies!
  • All students MUST pick up their ART WORK from their art teacher BEFORE the end of the school year. We do not have the space to save art work, so If you want your art work, come and get it! Please!
  • SAGA will be hosting its last meeting of the year this Thursday, May 30th! As always, come down to Ms. Carver's room, room 145, immediately following dismissal on Thursday. We’ll be celebrating another year with TEMS SAGA and doing some preparation for Pride Month at TE (which starts next week!). If you are an 8th grader going to Boston that day, get in touch with Ms. Carver through email or in person. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, contact Ms. Carver or Mrs. Reed.
  • Mr. Burrus will be holding the final session of the Card Gamers Club after school on Thursday, May 30th. Please be aware of this change and plan accordingly. See you Thursday in Room 323.
  • All TE library materials are due back to the library on Monday, June 3rd. Students and staff- if you see any unclaimed library books in the hallways or in the classrooms, please return them to the library media center. 6th and 7th graders interested in checking out library books over the summer can come see me in the LMC for a permission slip or print one out off of the main TE LMC page. Once signed, please bring your permission slip to the library on Monday, June 3rd or Tuesday, June 4th the check out your books.  Books checked out over the summer will be due back on the first day of school. Lastly, please don't forget you can access TE's Virtual Library 24/7- any time our physical library is closed. Sign into Destiny on the main interface page using your network username and password and navigate to the "Destiny Discover" tab on the left side of the page.  Also, don't forget you can download the Destiny Discover app to a personal device to take your eBook or e-audiobook on the go! A video on which devices are compatible and directions for using this app can be found on the LMC page. If you have any questions, come down to the library media center to speak to Mrs. Longo.
  • If you would like to recommend music for the TE Morning News, Click Here.
  • Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or X. Get the latest TE News and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 28 May, 2024 at 7:46 AM