TETV Morning News - Thursday, May 11 

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  • Good morning everyone, please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV Morning News. Today is Thursday, May 11.
  • Good morning Timothy Edwards Middle School. I am Prasun Modi and here is today’s weather report. For today, sunny skies are expected throughout the entire day with temperatures ranging from 79 to 48 degrees. The day will start in the high 40’s and as the day goes on temperatures will rise up to the high of 79 degrees between 4 and 5pm. For most of the school day, it will stay in between the low 60’s and the high 70’s. There will be winds this afternoon, reaching up to 11 miles per hour and no precipitation. I am Prasun Modi, and that is the weather report of the day. And now for more announcements from Annaliese.
  • Today students will take the ELA CAT. Please make sure that you have a charged Chromebook, wired headphones and a book to read silently. If you need to borrow a Chromebook or headphones, please come to the library during homeroom.
  • This year over 100 students participated in the UConn Writing Project, a state-wide writing contest. From all the submissions, 40 students from TE were recognized for one or more pieces of their writing or art!  Tonight they will be honored at UConn.  Here are SOME of the students that will be recognized for their writing or art this evening: 7th graders, Sophie Donnelly, Isabella Chan and 8th graders Makaya France-Bray, Ava Parente,, Ethan Feng, and Asim Mohamed Kasim were all awarded honorable mention. 6th graders Shriya Prem, and Vedanth Manchala, 7th grader Girish Prasad, and 8th graders Erin Fang, and Tanvi Mishra were awarded the silver. 6th grader Aaron Wilson was awarded gold for his piece of writing. 6th grader Corinne Rich  and 7th Grader Chiamaka Chidiahi were awarded the highest honor: the platinum award. And a special congratulations to Karithik Srikumar who was recognized for three pieces of writing: his poem,  his piece of fiction, and his non-fiction piece receiving the highest honor, platinum. Three pieces getting awarded; that's quite an accomplishment. Congrats to all the winners! *(sorry we couldn't say all your name)  Have a great night celebrating your work at UConn. 
  • The TE baseball team travelled to Ellington on Wednesday afternoon to take on the Wildcats.  TE jumped out to the early lead, but was unable to hold off the home team.  Final score was Ellington 8  TE 4.  Leading the offense with a single each was Nick Gombotz, Bennett Durbois and Wyatt Prather.  TE plays at home today vs. Illing.  
  • Do you enjoy the outdoors? Do you want to help our community support positive mental health initiatives? Join the SWHS SADD Club for our annual “BE THE LIGHT” 5K Fun Run/Walk, which will be held at Nevers Park on Sun., May 21st. Registration has been extended until this Friday, May 12th. (This is NOT a timed race.) This event will support the Purple Light Project and the SADD Club Scholarship Fund. Register TODAY by searching “BE THE LIGHT” on Eventbrite or find the flier on Timothy Edwards social media.
  • Are you interested in improving your softball skills? If so you should sign up for the Cougar Softball camp this summer.  It runs from July 31st to August 3rd.  Sign up is through the recreation department and spots are running out.  See Mrs. Giaccone with any questions.
  • Hello TE! This year we will be hosting an International Family Night Event! It’s on June 8th from 6-8 pm and there will be foods from around the world, special performances, raffles, and more activities to pass your time! All students who are interested are encouraged to help and make posters of your culture or the word welcome in a language you speak and deliver them to Profe Ruiz’s room, room 211. We can’t wait to see all of you representing your cultures and are excited to see you at the event!
  • Join us Wednesday June 7th 4:00pm -6:00pm, for our end of the year Summer Blast Party brought to you by the outdoor education club! We will have Kona Ice, Lawn Games, Water based games, and even a Dunk Tank for you to have the opportunity to dunk the principal, assistant principal and teachers! The cost for this event is $5. Please sign up BEFORE MAY 31st and bring your $5 CASH ONLY to Sr. G in room 361. The sign up for this event will be posted in your homeroom Google Classroom. Sign up form:
  • Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.  Get the latest TE news and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 11 May, 2023 at 8:51 AM