TETV Morning News - Tuesday, April 4 

Click Here to watch the TETV News LIVE! Stream will start at 7:30, news begins at 7:59am.

  • Good morning everyone, please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV Morning News. Today is Tuesday, April 4.
  • Spring Matinee Registration is open!! Visit the TEMS homepage to view the matinee brochure and to register. Registration closes on Thursday @5:00pm. 
  • Hi I'm Nashwa and I'm part of Out of the Blue. Out of the Blue is a National award winning Magazine and that is one reason you should share your amazing artwork or writing with us. All you need to do is create an amazing work share it to Mrs. Olsen in room 222 or online in any image file, except for pdf. It doesn't matter if you are a student or teacher because what matters is your work. This year there is no topic, so be creative as much as you need to be. The due date is on April 17th. And I really hope that you turn in your amazing work.
  • The South Windsor Teens Cycling Club is a biking club open to all middle and high school students in South Windsor! In this club, we will go on monthly bike rides together, on select Saturday mornings. The group will bike on local trails and bike routes in South Windsor. In the cycling club, you can socialize with other student cyclists, improve your fitness and biking skills, enjoy cycling with a group, and harness all the benefits of cycling. Each group ride has adult volunteers to coordinate the event. A functional bike and helmet are required. You can register for the cycling club on the South Windsor Parks & Rec website. Registration closes on April 12th. We hope to see you there!
  • Attention all TE students! Are you interested in writing articles, poems, and stories? Do you like to create fun slides or draw comic strips? If the answer is yes, then you should join the school newspaper club and share your talents with others through the Cougar Current. You can sign up with this link on the TE morning announcements page: You can submit written works, videos, pictures of artwork, google forms, slides, and more! Make sure to also check out our latest issue through the school homepage. We have a very special interview featuring Ms. Sullivan on Lime!
  • Have you ever had a great idea to share some kindness with the world, but didn’t have the money to make it happen? Well here is your chance! South Windsor Youth and Family has created a new MAKE A CHANGE Mini Grant, which encourages STUDENTS to put their ideas into action. This grant to specifically for students to submit, but you can have an adult in the building support your proposal. The project should promote or inspire kindness, contribute to positive mental health, support inclusion OR encourage a positive school community. Each grant awarded will have a $200 maximum. For more information and for a link to the application, go to the main TEMS page and click on MAKE A CHANGE mini grant. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Reed in Room 209. Proposals are due by Friday, April 7th.
  • To all students registered for track tryouts.  Tryouts begin today.  Tryouts will be held after school from 2:45-4:30.  Please arrange your transportation home in advance.  Remember to dress for the weather and bring a water bottle. 7th grade boys and girls will be today and 6th grade boys and girls will be on Wednesday, April 5th.  See you then!
  • Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.  Get the latest TE news and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 04 April, 2023 at 7:54 AM