TETV Morning News - Wednesday, September 28 

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  • Good morning everyone, please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV Morning News. Today is Wednesday,  September 28th.
  • TE came away with a 1-1 tie in their first game against Enfield on Tuesday afternoon. 6th grader Joanna Halle broke away to score the first goal of her TE career assisted by Emily Carmen. TE showed strength and heart throughout the game including having 17 new field hockey players. Strong midfield play by Emily Carmen, Ainslee Deptula, Allie Scott, and Sarah Lambert. Prithi Suriyakumarr dominated on defense along with Emma Davis, Molly Willard and Maggie Melia. Morgan Syme had 5 saves in her goal keeping debut. 
  • In the extra period TE came away with a 2-0 victory with goals from Tori Yelle and Sarah Bonanno with assists from Kendall Woods and Sarah Bonnano. Excellent play from Olivia Dzubin, Ella Satalino, Kylie Duval, Kendall Heath and Vanessa “pasta” Primiverra. TE’s next game is home on Thursday against Sommers. Make sure to come out to cheer on the Cougars!! 
  • It's that time of year again.  Today is the official kick off of the TE Walk a Thon!  The Walk A Thon will be the only PTO fundraiser this year and in addition, will help to raise money to support the funding of school activities and programs that enhance student learning beyond the classroom.  Our goal this year is the same as last year of $25,000 with a stretch goal of $30,000.   Last year we hit that stretch goal and know that with everyone's participation we will hit that goal again!!  Your family should receive an email today containing everything you and your parents need to know about the Walk A Thon including the website to register.  We have some exciting incentives and raffles for students that help make the fundraiser a success and we'll be sharing updates with all of you along the way until the Walk a Thon which will take place on October 20th!!  If we hit our goal of $25,000 as a school, the big prize is a Kona Ice Truck for all students!!  And if we hit our stretch goal of $30,000 officer Owens has agreed to be slimed!   But we must hit our goal and that means lots of student participation!  This year to increase participation we have included lots of exciting incentives including a homework pass, lunch in the courtyard with friends, recess and cross team lunches, to name a few!  This fundraiser is only successful if we can get a HUGE Participation from students and encouraged by all teachers!!  Make sure to register and share by 10/7 to earn the first prize of a homework pass.  Get your $40 donations in by 10/14 to be entered into a raffle for some great gift cards!   So Don't wait ....get started today to start raising money for our School and let's show our community how much school spirit TE has!!  
  • Do you love the sing and dance? Then you need to auditions for the award winning Timothy Edwards SPOTLIGHT SHOW CHOIR!  All TE students are invited to audition!  No previous dance or vocal training is required.  Get started by joining the audition Google Classroom, using code 45zzik2.  That's 45zzik2.  Don't miss out on your chance to be a part of this exciting opportunity...Spotlight!  We light up the stage!
  • As you know, TE is participating in “Starts with Hello” this week. This program is part of Sandy Hook Promise and the goal is to help students feel connected to each other and school. An easy way to make people feel welcome and included is to simply say hello, so please make sure you wear your name tag today and greet others by name! Remember that a little kindness can go a long way!
  • Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.  Get the latest TE news and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 28 September, 2022 at 7:46 AM