TETV Morning News - Wednesday, June 8 

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  • Good morning everyone. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV News. Today is Wednesday, June 8th and it is Rainbow day.
  • On Friday, June 17th from 6-9pm the Teen Center will be hosting an end of the year celebration to kick off summer! Join us for some summer fun to celebrate the end of the school year! The event is open for middle school students who register with Danielle by June 15th. You can also register with the link below!
  • If you have yet to return your TE Library Books, please do so as soon as possible- they were all due on Tuesday, 6/7.  If you are not sure if you have an overdue book, please check your Gmail account, as this is how students are now notified they have overdue books.  Also, if you see any library books sitting in your classroom or in the hallway, please return them to the library media center. Current 6th and 7th graders who would like to check out TE library books over the summer will be able to do so on Monday, 6/13 to Wednesday 6/15 during regular school hours.  In order to do so,  please come to the LMC with your permission slip signed by a parent or guardian.  I have copies of this permission slip in the library; you can come and see me for one, or print one off the main TE LMC page.
  • Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.  Get the latest TE news and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 08 June, 2022 at 7:42 AM