TETV Morning News - Friday, April 29 

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  • Good morning everyone. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV News. Today is Friday, April 29. 
  • The softball team won their game yesterday against Ellington Middle School, beating them 11 to five. Alexis Nisyrios pitched a great game and struck out 13 batters.  Alexis also batted 3 for 4, with a triple and a homerun.  This is her second homerun in two games. Briana LeGare and Meghan Doherty both caught a great game behind the plate and offensively added a few hits with Meghan having 2 triples.  Third basemen Reese Pellerin and shortstop Olivia Doran also played well offensively.  Reese and Olivia both had triples along with a couple hits.  Congratulations ladies!  TE travels to East Hartford on Tuesday May 3rd.  Good luck!
  • The TEMS baseball team suffered it's first loss of the season on a blustery Thursday afternoon in Ellington by a score of 4 to 0.  TE only managed 4 hits in the game with Aiden Jackson and Elias Jacobs stroking 2 hits apiece.  On the mound, Brayden Edwards struck out 14 batters in the defeat.  The Cougars record stands at 1-1 on the season.  Their next game is Tuesday at home vs. East Hartford. 
  • Attention all sports fans, if you plan on attending the softball or baseball games, you will NOT be dismissed from your last period class until the last bus is called..."all students are now dismissed."  Students will then walk to the cafeteria to meet the game supervisor and sign in.  From there, students attending the game will walk out to the field as a group.  At 4:15pm, all students will sign out and go (with a supervisor) to the parking lot for parent pickup or to the cafeteria to wait for your late bus on Monday, Wednesday and/or Thursday game days.   
  • SBAC and NGSS testing takes place during the month of May.  SBAC Testing for all grades will begin on Tuesday, May 3rd. SBAC testing dates include Tuesday, May 3- Thursday, May 5 and Tuesday May 5-Thursday May 12.  NGSS testing for grade 8 only will be on Thursday, May 19.   Please remember to bring a charged Chromebook, earbuds, charger and independent reading book on testing days. If your Chromebook is not working correctly, be sure to submit a ticket into the student online help desk as soon as possible. 
  • Congratulations to all orchestra members on a fantastic performance last night! Bravo!
  • TEMS will be raising money from April 18th to May 6 along with Eli Terry and PRS to help fight Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration, also known as PKAN. PKAN is a brain disorder that you are born with. It affects our ability to do everyday activities. PKAN gets worse as you grow up. Most people end up in a wheelchair and can’t talk. Most people with PKAN pass away before the age of 10.. Please bring a small donation like $1 or $2 to your homeroom teacher. We also ask that everyone wear red on May 6th to show their support!
  • Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.  Get the latest TE news and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 29 April, 2022 at 7:48 AM