TETV Morning News - Friday, March 4 

newsClick Here to view the TETV Morning News.

  • Good morning everyone. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV News. Today is Friday, March 4. Don’t forget, next Wednesday is Book Character Day!
  • It’s time to check out and vote for the 2022 March Madness Book Brackets! To cast your vote, go to the LMC page, click on the March Madness Book Bracket link and then on the link for voting in round 1. You don’t have to have read the books; just vote for the title whose summary sounds the most interesting.  If you are interested in any of the titles, come to the library to check out the print copy or go to Destiny Discover to check out the digital copy. Voting for the first time will end at noon today. Don’t get left out on the sidelines; make sure you have your say in this year’s March Madness book winner! Please see or email Mrs. Longo if you have any questions.
  • Attention all baseball, softball and track athletes; spring sports registration is now open.  The deadline to register is  Friday, March 18th.  Please go the the "Athletics Registration" page on the TE website for further instructions.  You must complete all 3 parts of the registration process in order to be eligible for tryouts.  
  • Attention all baseball players who are trying out for the TEMS baseball team...there will be an informational meeting on Wednesday, March 8th from 2:45 until 3:30pm.  Tryout dates and other important information will be discussed. If you cannot get picked up at 3:30pm, you will need to take the 4pm late bus home.  Once again, the meeting is on Wednesday, March 8th. 
  • We are back with more College Awareness facts about our staff members. Don't forget, every week we will offer a trivia quiz on Friday asking questions about the facts we presented. Today is your first opportunity to win a t-shirt from a Connecticut College. So after the news, be sure to click on the link for the quiz and answer the questions. The link can be found on the TEMS homepage. Or click here to take the quiz. 
  • Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.  Get the latest TE news and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 04 March, 2022 at 7:56 AM