TETV Morning News - Monday, February 7 

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  • Good morning everyone. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV News. Today is Monday, February 7, 2022.

  • Don't forget, this Wednesday’s Spirit day is Sports Day in honor of the Super Bowl and the Olympics. So come in your favorite jersey and cheer on the competitors this week.
  • Attention 8th graders: Please check your counselor’s Google Classroom and complete the South Windsor High School elective courses Google form by February 10th. Mrs. Dowty and Mrs. Jennings will be available in Alt 6 during WIN periods on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday if you have any questions. Thank you!
  •  Attention all 8th grade students:  Any student interested in auditioning for the South Windsor High School show choir CHORAL SPECTRUM, should immediately join the audition Google Classroom using class code s7di342. ALL interested 8th graders are encouraged and invited to audition. No prior show choir or choral experience  is required. See Mrs. Gasta with any questions.
  • The Lady Cougars kept it rolling last night by defeating the JFK Patriots 31-18. The first half ended 14-14 but the Lady Cougars went on a 17-4 run to end the contest. Morgan Bridgeforth continued her outstanding play by leading TE with 13 points. Avery Brochu made a couple clutch free throws in the final frame for 10 points on the night. Floor general Erin Martin had four while Mia Ruiz and Shea Brochu had 2 apiece for the Lady Cougars. “It was an intense battle in the first half,” Coach Chandler said. “The small court and our relentless effort in the second half proved to be the difference,” he added. The Lady Cougars wrap up their season next week against Illing on Thursday night after school. Hopefully, the Lady Cougars keep their streak going and head into the playoffs as the two seed overall. Congrats ladies and keep up the great work!
  •  And now for a Black History Month Spotlight on Elena Meyers Taylor. 
  • Congrats to our TEMS cheerleading squad on their 3rd place finish at the Windsor Warrior Challenge this weekend.  The team, led by 8th graders: Emma Boldi, Tiffany Castellon, Vanessa Leigl, Nafissa Ly, Sahara Martin, Allie Stangel, Olivia Stoner, and Madi Wayner wowed the judges with their stunts, jumps, tumbling, and dance.  They scored in the superior category for stunts and motions, and above average for their pyramid, spacing, and overall routine. They did so well that their overall score beat 14 varsity high school teams! Great job ladies!

  • Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.  Get the latest TE news and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 07 February, 2022 at 8:17 AM