TETV Morning News - Wednesday, February 2 

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  • Good morning everyone. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV News. Today is Wednesday, February 2nd and it’s team USA Day.
  • The Lady Cougars made it 5 in a row last night beating the Tolland Falcons 27-15.  It was a good game for the several 8th graders as they took the game over early in the first half.  Mia Ruiz led TE with 8 points, with Erin Martin and Avery Brochu each chipping in 6 a piece.  Eliza Blanchfield swished a nice jump shot from the wing and Sam Roux tacked on a free throw midway through the second half.  Rounding out the scoring were 6th graders Shea Brochu and Morgan Bridgeforth with a bucket a piece.  Defensively, the Lady Cougars were tough throughout the game, holding the Lady Falcons to just 6 points in the second half.  The Lady Cougars next play away to JFK on Thursday.  Good luck ladies and keep the win streak going!
  • And now for a Black History Month Spotlight on George Washington Carver.
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Posted by dmatchett On 02 February, 2022 at 7:43 AM