TETV Morning News - Tuesday, February 1 

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  • Good morning everyone. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV News. Today is Tuesday, February 1st and its Black History Month.

  •  Black History Month offers an important opportunity to honor and highlight the accomplishments of Black Americans in history and society, as we continue the learning throughout the year. This event was first celebrated as a week in February of 1926. The week was expanded to a month in 1976 and became officially recognized by the US Government by President Gerald R. Ford. Throughout the month we will be highlighting stories of influential African Americans and featuring music from Black Creators.
  •  Just a reminder, tomorrow’s Spirit day is Team USA Day in honor of the start of the Olympics. So wear your red, white, and blue and we will all cheer on Team USA together!
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Posted by dmatchett On 01 February, 2022 at 8:04 AM