TE Morning News - Thursday, October 14 

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  • Good morning everyone. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another edition of TETV News. Today is Thursday October 14th and it’s Walk a Thon Day 2!
  • What a great day yesterday kicking off our Walk A Thon!  It was so great seeing so many smiling faces out and about walking for their school, and each homeroom showing their school spirit with  banners, posters and great energy!!  Thank you again so much to all the students, faculty, family and friends who helped to make this fundraiser one of our best!!  We are getting so close to our stretch goal of $30,000 and that is thanks to all of you!!   It sure would be epic to hit that goal and to see our Principal getting slimed!!!  So keep those pledges coming!!  Congratulations to Team Lime, Team Emerald and Team Sage for all exceeding their $3000 goals!  Wishing all the participants today another great day of walking fun!!  Thank you again for all your support in making this fundraiser a success!! 
  • The field hockey team came away with a big win with their second game of the season by a score of 3-0.  Farmington dominated the first quarter making goalie Elsa Gately work tirelessly protecting the goal from 15 shots.  Within minutes of the second quarter TE's mid field consisting of Avery Brochu, Abby Stricker, Reece Pellerin, and Fionna Downes came alive getting the ball to the speedy Jillian "Jelly" Yelle who started the scoring rampage.  Vanessa Liegl had a beautiful assist to Yelle on the first goal with Kaliegh Aparo and Abby Stricker assisting Yelle's second goal.  Midfielder Avery Brochu scored TE's third goal with an assist from Vanessa Leigl.  Grace Perkins, Taylor Zanelli, and Prithi Suriyakumarr held Farmington's attack throughout the entire game.  Emily Carmon, Kendall Woods, Sara Lambert, and Yasmine Abunasra rounded out great play for the Lady Cougars. In the second game TE came away with a 0-0 tie.  Tatiana Winful made two saves and TE's defense of Celeste Glaviano, Ainsley Deptula, Emma Davis once again held Farmington's shots from reaching the back of the net. Morgan Syme, Carly Jarvis, Anushka Praveenkumar played well in the mid field and on attack.  TE's next game is Monday away at Granby. 
  • Hispanic Heritage Month - Marc Anthony
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Posted by dmatchett On 14 October, 2021 at 7:51 AM