TE Morning News - Wednesday, September 1 
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Good morning and welcome to TETV Morning News. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

And now an announcement from our Principal… Mrs. Morgan-Hostetler.

Good morning to you all.  I am so happy to welcome you back to school. My name is Ms. Morgan-Hostetler, and I am the principal at Timothy Edwards. And if you are a middle schooler...well you are in the right place.  I am really excited for today, and this week, and this year! This summer and over these past few days we have been doing lots of planning for our first day of school and we are ready to go.  We know have a lot of new learning to do, and new friendships to build, new memories to make and we can’t wait. always, but especially these first few days and weeks, your teachers and counselors are here to help you with anything you might need….learning your schedule, finding your bus, logging into your Chromebook…. Anything at all. That's what the adults are there for, so do not be afraid to ask questions.

Now, you probably already know that, just like last year, you will need to wear your mask. We are going to make sure you get mask breaks...your teachers will be able to talk about that more.  But I wanted to emphasize wearing your mask is crucial and its rule that we will really be enforcing because your health is very important to us. 

We broadcast our TETV News during homeroom each day, and this is when important announcements will be made about school...and I am about to make one.  Something that I am really excited about is Wednesdays….and not just because our first day of school today happens to be a Wednesday.  I am excited for Wednesdays because these are our Winning Wednesday  SPIRIT days here at TE.  Next Winning Wednesday will be TIE DYE day, so after the long weekend, when we welcome you back NEXT WEDNESDAY….wear your tie dye, that’s everyone...students and staff members too.  

Ok….Time for you to get going with your day now. .  Again, we are here to help you and support you however we can.    I sure do hope that your first day of school is a great one. You’ll see me walking around the building a lot, so please make sure you say hi! Welcome back and Happy first day of school! 

Attention all athletes trying out for a fall sport.  Please check the TE website for specific requirements and the dates you will be trying out.  The deadline to register is this Friday, September 3rd.  You will need to register online, turn in your check for $100 to the main office and most importantly, you will need an updated physician statement.  YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO TRY OUT WITHOUT AN UPDATED PHYSICIAN STATEMENT.   Please check the athletics page on the TE website for further information.

Attention all girls trying out for field hockey: Tryouts will begin on September 8th for NEW players only! ALL players will tryout on September 9th and 10th.  You must have a mouth guard, shin guards, eye protection, sneakers, and a water bottle in order to try out.  All tryouts will go from 2:45 until 4:00. You must have a ride home at 4:00 each day. Please meet down in the main gym at the end of school.  If you have any questions please see Mrs. Custer in the gym.

Posted by dmatchett On 01 September, 2021 at 9:10 AM