TETV Morning News - Wednesday, March 17, 2021 
newsClick Here  to view the TETV Morning News. 

  • This week is a Cougar week. It is a Day 3 for Grades 6, 7 & 8.
  • A big thank you to the 407 students and staff who voted in round 2 of the 2021 March Madness Book Brackets! Please continue to cast your vote in round 3 by clicking on the March Madness Book Bracket link off of the LMC page and then on the Round 3 voting link.  Voting for round three will end Friday, March 19th at noon. You don’t have to have read the books; just vote for the title whose summary sounds the most interesting.  If you are interested in any of the titles, come to the library to check out the print copy or go to Destiny Discover to check out the eBook or e-audio.  Check out the Padlet on all 16, 2021 March Madness Book Bracket titles, which can be found on both the March Madness Book Bracket page and the Reading Suggestions page. Don’t get left out on the sidelines; make sure you have your say in this year’s March Madness book winner! Please see or email Mrs. Longo if you have any questions.
  • Today all students should take the “Having a Voice” survey right after announcements. Please log into your “Having a Voice” classroom and share your thoughts with us! Thank you!

  • Attention all 6th and 7th Graders!  Have your parents talked to you about the form in PowerSchool they need to complete by Friday? It is time to plan for next year.  Your parents need to complete the form letting us know which music class you want to take next year.  6th graders you must also select which world language, French or Spanish, you want to take. Additionally, the form will let you know which math class you are recommended for. Talk to your parents today about it! It must be done by Friday of this week!!!

  • Today is Spirit Day - Green Day

  • Connect with TE thru Social Media! Follow us on Twitter or Facebook.  Get the latest TE news and announcements!
Posted by dmatchett On 17 March, 2021 at 8:08 AM