TE Morning News - March 5, 2020 
  • Good Morning Everyone, please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Please remain standing for a moment of silence. Please be seated.
  • Welcome back to another addition of old school TETV Morning News.
  • Out of the Blue will meet after school on Monday March 9.  Please bring a submission! Be sure to see Ms. Olsen before Monday if you are unable to attend. 
  • Attention all students:  If you are a fan of Ben and Jerry's this message is for you.  That's right, dress up in your most patriotic red, white and blue costume at next Friday's red, white and blue dance, and you will have a chance to win a gift card to Ben and Jerry's.  Prizes will be awarded to best individuals and best group costumes. Boys and girls, it's time to get patriotic at next week's red, white and blue dance. Tickets will be on sale all next week.
  • Attention all cheerleaders: Your end of the season party will be Thursday, March 12 from 2:40-4:00.  Please see Mrs. Edwards for further information.
  • Attention Athletes!  Spring Sports Registration in Power School Parent Portal is now open!! You will not be able to try out unless Registration is complete! The deadline for registration is this Friday!” Spring sports include baseball, softball and track and field. Any questions see Mr. S in the gym or Mrs. Stewart in the Main Office. 

  • Staff and students, you may have noticed the Red Cross Blood Drive signs on all entry doors to the building.  We are hosting our annual blood drive on Tuesday, March 10th in the cafeteria. Staff members, please consider making this life saving donation. Each donation can save 3 lives!.  Students, you need to be 18 or older to donate, so please go home and ask your parents or older siblings to consider a blood donation. All interested can go to to locate our drive and sign up for an appointment.  Walk-ins are welcome, also. Any TE student who would like to volunteer to help welcome our visitors can see Mrs. Madara in room 223 in the Scarlet Team hallway. Let's ban together to save lives! Thank you!

  • Today for lunch in the Create line you can have Teriyaki Philly Beef Bowl, in the Grill line you can have Meatball sub and in the So Deli line you can have your choice of freshly made sandwiches. Have a great day, and as always do your best to strive for five!
Posted by dmatchett On 06 March, 2020 at 10:40 AM