TE Morning News - August 29, 2019 
  • Welcome back to another edition of old school TETV News. We will begin broadcasting the news over the projectors starting on Tuesday next week. Any returning news crew that are interested in working with us again, please come on Tuesday morning to help out. Auditions for new anchors will take place on Tuesday September 10th.
  • Good morning, if you checked out library books over the summer and haven’t returned them yet, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks and looking forward to seeing you soon in the LMC soon, Mrs. Longo.
  • Attention all girls soccer players: Tryouts for the TEMS girls soccer team will be held on 9/3, 9/4, and 9/5. Tryouts will start immediately following school and end at 4:00. All players should report to the main gym with cleats, shin guards, and a water bottle. All players must arrange for a ride to pick them up at 4:00. 
  • Tryouts for the girls and boys cross country teams will take place each day from Tuesday, September 3rd, through Friday, September 6th, immediately after school until 4pm. Anyone interested should wear appropriate running gear to tryouts. Girls will meet in the gym common area, boys will meet outside of the school in front of the gym common area. Please plan to have a ride home at 4pm.  
  • Boys' soccer tryouts will be Sept. 3rd, 4th and 5th immediately after school.  Players are to change into athletic clothing in the boys locker room and meet in the main gym once school is dismissed.  DO NOT wear your soccer shoes in the building. All documentation must be submitted to the main office in order to tryout. Tryouts will go until 4:00 each day.  Please bring water and shin guards. You must have a ride home at 4:00.  
  • Attention all girls trying out for field hockey: Tryouts for NEWCOMERS ONLY will be held on Tuesday September 3rd from 2:40-4:30. You must have sneakers, shin guards,  a mouth guard, and a water bottle to try out. Tryouts for ALL players will be Wednesday, September 4th, 5th and 6th from 2:40-4:30. Please meet in the main gym after school. Any questions please see Mrs. Custer in the gym or in room 364.
Posted by dmatchett On 29 August, 2019 at 1:38 PM