Daily Announcements
Daily Announcements for Timothy Edwards Middle School

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  • Purple Week - Grade 6 Day 1 Grades 7 &8 Day 5
  • Happy Halloween
  • We can't believe it's here but today is the last day for our Fit A Thon!  Thanks for embracing this new Virtual format for our fundraiser and Thank you for all of your hard work, we are just $420 short of our $12,000 goal!  There is still time to get additional pledges in through Saturday and to log in any activity minutes!  If you have any pictures of you participating in activities that you would like to share to be added to the yearbook please send them to Mr. Goric. A Huge Congratulations to Emery Forko in 6th Grade who raised over $2,000 for our school!  Incredible!!  Team Evergreen is in the lead for the DQ Blizzard vouchers which will be announced on Monday! And now for our final Fit A Thon raffle.  All students that have met their personal fundraising goal of $50 have been automatically entered. Winners may pick up their prizes in the office after 10am. Good luck! The 3 lucky winners of $50 Amazon gift cards are...Soniya Patel Grade 7, Christianna Macchi Grade 8 and Nolan Charron Grade 6. Congratulations to all of our raffle winners.  And a big thank you to everyone who has helped to make our Fit A Thon a success so far. There's still time to get those pledges online or in school!!  Have a Great Weekend!
  • Last spring, you may remember Mrs. Morgan-Hostetler coming on the air to talk about recent events that were taking place in our country and how TE was looking for students who were interested in helping our community engage in conversations about racism, the role of race in our society and student activism. We are looking to continue that group and add other students who are interested in brainstorming ideas on changes we can make at TE to be more inclusive and understanding of all who are part of our community. If you are interested, please join the “Make a Change” classroom using code:  c23gpkr Please do this by Tuesday, November 3rd.  In the classroom, you will find information about our first meeting. If you are unsure of what this will be about, join the class, come to our first meeting and then decide if it is right for you. If you would like to ask some questions prior to the first meeting, please email Mrs. Kozik at [email protected] .
Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 30, 2020 at 9:04 AM

news Click Here to view the TETV Morning News

  • Purple Week - Grade 6 Day 2 - Grade 7 & 8 Day 4
  • Team T-shirt Design contest. Single color design on blank background submitted to homeroom teacher by this Friday to vote on Monday.
  • The last day for the Fit A Thon is tomorrow!  We can't believe it, but there is still today and tomorrow to get those donations in!  Keep up the great work getting those pledges!!  Its not too late to reach out to friends, family, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas! Together we can reach our $12,000 school goal!!  We are just shy of $11,000!  Anyone who needs more information on the fundraiser can go to the TEMS website under the PTO section. Congratulations to the only team reaching the $2,000 team goal so far:  Evergreen! Watch out though, Lime, Pacific and Emerald are hot on your heels!.  Don't forget, each student on the overall highest fundraising team earns a DQ free Blizzard Voucher!  Good luck!
  • Last spring, you may remember Mrs. Morgan-Hostetler coming on the air to talk about recent events that were taking place in our country and how TE was looking for students who were interested in helping our community engage in conversations about racism, the role of race in our society and student activism. We are looking to continue that group and add other students who are interested in brainstorming ideas on changes we can make at TE to be more inclusive and understanding of all who are part of our community. If you are interested, please join the “Make a Change” classroom using code:  c23gpkr Please do this by Tuesday, November 3rd.  In the classroom, you will find information about our first meeting. If you are unsure of what this will be about, join the class, come to our first meeting and then decide if it is right for you. If you would like to ask some questions prior to the first meeting, please email Mrs. Kozik at [email protected]
  • Attention all TE Students and Teachers: This year the Yearbook would like to invite all of you to submit your own SELFIE with your PET.  We all love our pets, and this year they can be a part of our 2021 TEMS Yearbook. Just email your photo with your pet to Ms. Gravell, with the subject line, SELFIE WITH PETS. Let's see how many of you can show off yourself with your pet. Please submit your photos as images, not on Google formats, to [email protected].
  • We are THRILLED to kick off the Entertainers season with this announcement! While we are disappointed that we will not be able to meet in person this year, we are grateful for the opportunity to try a remote performance of School House Rock Live, Jr. Sadly, there will be no need for a set, stage, or light/sound crew this year, but if you're interested in performing here's what you need to do:

  1. Join the Entertainers Google Classroom with code a3uwofm
  2. Complete the Google Form to sign up
  3. Pick your favorite musical theater song for your audition
  4. Practice 30 seconds of the song you think best showcases your voice and your "screen presence"
  5. Record your performance with or without accompaniment
  6. Upload your video no later than Sunday, November 15

    You have 3 weeks to get ready so have fun and be sure to listen to the TETV morning news for more Entertainers related announcements. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 29, 2020 at 8:19 AM

news Click Here to view the TETV Morning News

  • Purple Week - Workshop Wednesday - STAR Assessment day - Log onto homeroom by 8:50 for instructions.
  • Last spring, you may remember Mrs. Morgan-Hostetler coming on the air to talk about recent events that were taking place in our country and how TE was looking for students who were interested in helping our community engage in conversations about racism, the role of race in our society and student activism. We are looking to continue that group and add other students who are interested in brainstorming ideas on changes we can make at TE to be more inclusive and understanding of all who are part of our community. If you are interested, please join the “Make a Change” classroom using code: c23gpkr. Please do this by Tuesday, November 3rd.  In the classroom, you will find information about our first meeting. If you are unsure of what this will be about, join the class, come to our first meeting and then decide if it is right for you. If you would like to ask some questions prior to the first meeting, please email Mrs. Kozik at [email protected]
  • Attention all TE Students and Teachers: This year the Yearbook would like to invite all of you to submit your own SELFIE with your PET.  We all love our pets, and this year they can be a part of our 2021 TEMS Yearbook. Just email your photo with your pet to Ms. Gravell, with the subject line, SELFIE WITH PETS. Let's see how many of you can show off yourself with your pet. Please submit your photos as images, not on Google formats, to [email protected].
  • We are THRILLED to kick off the Entertainers season with this announcement! While we are disappointed that we will not be able to meet in person this year, we are grateful for the opportunity to try a remote performance of School House Rock Live, Jr. Sadly, there will be no need for a set, stage, or light/sound crew this year, but if you're interested in performing here's what you need to do:
  1. Join the Entertainers Google Classroom with code a3uwofm
  2. Complete the Google Form to sign up 
  3. Pick your favorite musical theater song for your audition
  4. Practice 30 seconds of the song you think best showcases your voice and your "screen presence"
  5. Record your performance with or without accompaniment
  6. Upload your video no later than Sunday, November 15

You have 3 weeks to get ready so have fun and be sure to listen to the TETV morning news for more Entertainers related announcements. We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • Team T-shirt Design contest. Single color design on blank background submitted to homeroom teacher by this Friday to vote on Monday. 
  • We are in the home stretch for our Fit A Thon Fundraiser and we are so close to our $12,000 goal with $10.740!  We are $1,260 away from our goal!  We need a big push the last few days to hit our goal!  Remember our goal is for each student to raise at least $50.  Email grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbors. We want to give a shout out to our three current top fundraising students from each grade!. Congratulations to Emory Forko  in Grade 6 who is the overall leader and has raised over $1,950 dollars for our school!  Absolutely incredible! In 7th Grade we have Payton Beaudreau in the lead and in 8th grade we have Jesse Lessard but there are several students in both 7th and 8th that are close behind these students!   Awesome job guys!!!  Remember the top fundraiser from each grade earns a $100 cash prize! As for the Team prize for DQ Blizzard vouchers, Team Evergreen is in the lead, with over $2,000 raised, but Lime and Pacific could creep up from behind!  Keep sharing your fundraising webpage with family and friends. Don’t forget, there is only one more chance to win a raffle prize. This Friday we will be raffling three $50 Amazon gift cards for students that have met their $50 donation goal, so keep getting those donations! Good Luck!
Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 28, 2020 at 7:55 AM

news Click Here to view the TETV Morning News

  • Purple Week Day 3
  • With the Fit A Thon finish line ending this Friday keep up the great work getting those pledges!!  Together we can reach our $12,000 school goal!!  Anyone who needs more information on the fundraiser can go to the TEMS website under the PTO section. There is great news to share today. As of last night, we have raised over $10,000 for the Fit A Thon!!! Thank you to everyone that has registered and has been working hard to get donations for our school! We still need your help. We are $1,800 away from meeting our goal with just 4 days left! If you haven't already, register at our school’s fundraiser website and start raising money for our school. Now here are the winners of our $40 Nomad Gift Cards: Linnaea Kraus Grade 6, Nora Carty Grade 6 and Zachary Smith Grade 7. Congratulations to all 3 winners and you can pick up your gift cards in the office after 10am. Also, don't forget, we have our last exciting raffle on Friday!!  If you have raised at least $50 in donations you will be entered for a chance to win one of three $50 Amazon gift cards. Good luck!
  • Team t-shirt design contest now through Friday. Single color on a blank sheet designs should be turned into homeroom teachers by Friday for consideration. Designs should be a representation of your team. Can't wait to see your designs!
  • Attention all TE Students and Teachers: This year the Yearbook would like to invite all of you to submit your own SELFIE with your PET.  We all love our pets, and this year they can be a part of our 2021 TEMS Yearbook. Just email your photo with your pet to Ms. Gravell, with the subject line, SELFIE WITH PETS. Let's see how many of you can show off yourself with your pet. Please submit your photos as images, not on Google formats, to [email protected].
Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 27, 2020 at 9:55 AM

news Click here to view the TETV Morning News.

Purple Week Grade 6 day 4 Grade  and 8 Day 2

  • We are THRILLED to kick off the Entertainers season with this announcement! While we are disappointed that we will not be able to meet in person this year, we are grateful for the opportunity to try a remote performance of School House Rock Live, Jr. Sadly, there will be no need for a set, stage, or light/sound crew this year, but if you're interested in performing here's what you need to do:
  1. Join the Entertainers Google Classroom with code a3uwofm
  2. Complete the Google Form to sign up
  3. Pick your favorite musical theater song for your audition
  4. Practice 30 seconds of the song you think best showcases your voice and your "screen presence"
  5. Record your performance with or without accompaniment
  6. Upload your video no later than Sunday, November 15

    You have 3 weeks to get ready so have fun and be sure to listen to the TETV morning news for more Entertainers related announcements. We look forward to seeing you soon!
  • We are in our final week of our Fit A Thon, we are very close to our target of $12000 with $9275 raised already. We need a final push to get $2725 or more for us to achieve our goal. Needless to say we need your help in getting to the finish line! If you haven't registered yet, you can register today! Result highlights: Evergreen is leading by having raised the most so far, with Lime, Pacific and Emerald close behind.  Remember that each student in the top winning team wins a voucher for a DQ Blizzard! We also have an Individual prize for the top fundraising student in each grade who will also receive a $100 cash prize! This is an exciting and fun week with two more opportunities to win raffle prizes, so keep getting those donations!!

Oct 27th -TOMORROW - you will be entered in the raffle to win one of three $40 Nomad's gift cards  if you have raised $40 or more 

Oct 30th -Friday - is our last Raffle....if you have raised $50 or more, you will be in the raffle to win one of three $50 Amazon Gift Card 

Good luck!!

  • Team T-shirt design Time...Team T-shirt design Time....Team T-shirt design Time. That's right TE, this week is our team t-shirt design week. Each team will vote on a team t-shirt design drawn by one of its very own students. Are you a design genius...are you a fashion connoisseur... are you an amazing artist... are you someone who is willing to draw a design... then this contest is for you. Please submit designs to homeroom teachers by this Friday. Designs should be drawn in a single color on a blank sheet of unlined paper and should represent your team. So lets see what your creative talents will deliver us this year. T-shirt designs will be voted on by your team members next week so make sure to submit to your homeroom by this Friday for consideration.
Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 26, 2020 at 8:31 AM

news Click Here to view the TETV Morning News

  • With just a week left until the end of our Fit A Thon, we are more than 50% to reaching our goal and we need your help getting to the finish line!  Our individual student goal is $50 or more.  It is easy to share your fundraising webpage over email and Facebook.  Share with grandparents, aunt, uncles, neighbors and friends.  Only five, $10 pledges will reach your goal!  Cash and checks are also accepted and may be brought into the school office with your name and team on the envelope.  Let's go Cougars and help us reach our goal!! And now, It's our Fit A Thon raffle time!  All students that have raised at least $30 in donations so far have been automatically entered in the raffle. Today's lucky winners may pick up their prizes in the office after 10am. Good luck and thank you for registering with the Fit A Thon! The three winners of $30 Target gift cards are...Jake Brown Grade 7, Keira Deitelbaum Grade 6 & Caleigh Galin Grade 8. Congratulations to all our winners!
  • Time is running OUT to register for the 2020 AMC-8 Math Test and ALL the activities in this year's VIRTUAL STEAM OLYMPICS. Register in the Google Classroom using code aj6rciw and complete the registration form. The deadline to register is this Friday October 23rd.
Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 23, 2020 at 7:55 AM

news Click Here to view the TETV News

  • Cougar Week
  • Unity day tomorrow. Let's all wear something ORANGE to visibly show that our community wants to prevent bullying, and is united for KINDNESS, ACCEPTANCE and INCLUSION. So remember to wear something ORANGE tomorrow.
  • Fit A Thon news . . . Congratulations to Team Evergreen in 6th Grade for being the team to have raised the most so far! Team Crimson is in the lead for 7th grade and Team Pacific is leading the 8th graders.  The team that raises the most will get free Blizzards to Dairy Queen! Make sure to register at our school’s fundraiser website. So far only 10% of TE students are registered and they already raised over $7,800. Just imagine how much money we could raise for our school if everyone participated! Our goal is for each student to raise at least $50.  And remember, the student who raises the most money in each grade wins $100 cash!  Email grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbors! Have your parents post it on Facebook!  We have another raffle tomorrow for 3 $30 Gift Cards to Target!!  So make sure you are registered and have at least $30 in donations to be entered into the raffle. You have until 8pm tonight!  Good luck!
  • Time is running OUT to register for the 2020 AMC-8 Math Test and ALL the activities in this year's VIRTUAL STEAM OLYMPICS. Register in the Google Classroom using code aj6rciw and complete the registration form. The deadline to register is this Friday October 26th.
Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 22, 2020 at 8:01 AM

news Click Here to view the TETV Morning News

  • Cougar week - STAR Math Assessment

  • This morning you will be participating in our district benchmark, the STAR Math Assessment. All students should log into their homeroom class at 8:50 to participate in a Google Meet and receive directions from their teacher so they can begin the test at 9am. Good luck, stay focused and do your best today.
  • TEMS will celebrate Unity Days on Tuesday, October 20th AND on Friday, October 23rd. Let's all wear something ORANGE to visibly show that our community wants to prevent bullying, and is united for KINDNESS, ACCEPTANCE and INCLUSION. So remember to wear something ORANGE on Tuesday, October 20th and on Friday, October 23rd!
  • Time is running OUT to register for the 2020 AMC-8 Math Test and ALL the activities in this year's VIRTUAL STEAM OLYMPICS. Register in the Google Classroom using code aj6rciw and complete the registration form. The deadline to register is this Friday October 23rd.

Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 21, 2020 at 7:32 AM

news Click here to view the TETV Morning News.

  • Cougar Week. Unity Day!
  • Time is running OUT to register for the 2020 AMC-8 Math Test and ALL the activities in this year's VIRTUAL STEAM OLYMPICS. Register in the Google Classroom using code aj6rciw and complete the registration form. The deadline to register is this Friday October 26th.
  • The Fit A Thon is making great progress!  Yesterday was the first day of logging in your minutes for your activities!  You have until Oct 30th to do this!  Also send in any pictures of you participating in the Fit A Thon here at the TETV News!  You can send them to [email protected]. We have now raised over $5,585!  Did you know that the student that raises the most in each grade will win a $100 cash prize!!  So Keep up the great work and get those donations in! And now for our second raffle!  Everyone who has raised at least $20 in donations has been entered to win! The first $20 Oakland Pizza gift card goes to _Corey Alemany Grade 6. The second $20 Oakland Pizza gift card goes to _Jillian Yelle Grade 7. The last raffle winner today of a $20 Oakland Pizza gift card is _Shruti Periyasamy Grade 6. Congratulations to all our winners!  You can pick up your prizes in the office after 10am.  Our next drawing will be this Friday morning for three $30 Target gift cards and will include all students that have raised at least $30 or more in donations.  Not registered yet? Be sure to register at our school’s fundraiser website for your chance to win and to support our school!
Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 20, 2020 at 7:56 AM

news Click Here to view the TETV Morning News.

  •  Cougar Week 
  • The Fit A Thon is making great progress!  We have already raised  $5.000!  Did you know that the team that raises the most money during the Fit A Thon earns Free Blizzards from Dairy Queen? Right now the Evergreen Team in 6th Grade  is in the lead but many teams are close behind.  Keep up the great work! And don’t forget, tomorrow we’ll be drawing our Oakland Pizza raffle prize winners! You need to have raised at least $20 in donations by 8pm tonight to be entered. Good luck!
  • TEMS will celebrate Unity Days on Tuesday, October 20th AND on Friday, October 23rd. Let's all wear something ORANGE to visibly show that our community wants to prevent bullying, and is united for KINDNESS, ACCEPTANCE and INCLUSION. So remember to wear something ORANGE on Tuesday, October 20th and on Friday, October 23rd!
Posted by dmatchett  On Oct 19, 2020 at 7:58 AM
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